New Providence Second Historical Marker Placed
–By Hayden LARocque Green in TAPintoNewProvidence
NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ – The New Providence Historical Society placed the second historic marker in town. This marker has been installed in front of the former Academy School building and Borough Hall, and is currently leased by Peapack Private Wealth Management. Placed on April 30th by the Department of Works (DPW), it is the first in the town to include photos on both sides of the marker.
On one side, the former 1870 Academy School is pictured. The other shows Old Borough Hall. A description of each building is next to each image, bringing historical context to this marker.
“When people are walking around, they can learn a lot of history, more than people realize,” said Mayor Al Morgan.
This important project would not be possible without efforts from the Historical Society. Robert Keller is influential in making the initial drafts of the poster. He ensured that the most significant roles the building has had were picked to be on the marker.
Funding for this project was made possible through the Historical Society itself, as well as Clare Wherley, formerly from Peacock Private Wealth Management.
Since 2018, the Historical Society’s Historic Marker Project has been a major tricentennial project. Their goal was to place the first marker by the end of 2020. This was completed with the placing of the marker at the Presbyterian Church in December 2020.
Up next, the final historical marker will be placed at the Salt Box Museum later this year. Councilwoman Diane Bilicska, liaison between the historical society and borough council said, “We’re in the process of finalizing wording, and then we just have to put it in for Council [approval].”
To support the Historical Society mission, visit the website and facebook page – NewProvidenceHistoricalSociety – to learn more and take part in the Historical Society’s significant activities!